《玛蒂尔达》第6周 读书笔记

读 Matilda 第六周 , “万能胶事件”后,小Matilda本以为可以安静度日了。但可恶的爸爸非得用Matilda最爱的书来撒气。所以Matilda不得不再次行动。跟朋友Fred借来了一支“Ghost”,配合她自己的“精湛演技”,上演了一出“鬼屋惊魂”。下面我们就一起来看看这场闹剧吧。
Most children in Matilda's place would have burst into floods of tears. She didn't do this. She sat there very still and white and thoughtful. She seemed to know that neither crying nor sulking ever got anyone anywhere. The only sensible thing to do when you are attacked is, as Napoleon once said, to counter-attack. Matilda's wonderfully subtle mind was already at work devising yet another suitable punishment for the poisonous parent. The plan that was now beginning to hatch in her mind depended, however, upon whether or not Fred's parrot was really as good a talker as Fred made out.
Fred was a friend of Matilda's. He was a small boy of six who lived just around the corner from her, and for days he had been going on about this great talking parrot his father had given him.
So the following afternoon, as soon as Mrs Wormwood had departed in her car for another session of bingo, Matilda set out for Fred's house to investigate. She knocked on his door and asked if he would be kind enough to show her the famous bird. Fred was delighted and led her up to his bedroom where a truly magnificent blue and yellow parrot sat in a tall cage.
"There it is," Fred said. "It's name is Chopper."
"Make it talk," Matilda said.
"You can't make it talk," Fred said. "You have to be patient. It'll talk when it feels like it."
They hung around, waiting. Suddenly the parrot said, "Hullo, hullo, hullo." It was exactly like a human voice. Matilda said, "That's amazing! What else can it say?"
"Rattle my bones!" the parrot said, giving a wonderful imitation of a spooky voice. "Rattle my bones!"
"He's always saying that," Fred told her .
"What else can he say?" Matilda asked.
"That's about it," Fred said. "But it is pretty marvellous don't you think?"
"It's fabulous," Matilda said. "Will you lend him to me just for one night?"
"No," Fred said. "Certainly not."
"I'll give you all my next week's pocket-money," Matilda said.
That was different. Fred thought about it for a few seconds. "All right, then," he said, "If you promise to return him tomorrow."
Matilda staggered back to her own empty house carrying the tall cage in both hands. There was a large fireplace in the dining-room and she now set about wedging the cage up the chimney and out of sight. This wasn't so easy, but she managed it in the end.
  burst into floods of tears  嚎啕大哭
造句:My son burst into floods of tears just because I didn't give the orange to him.  就因为我没给我儿子那个橘子,他就嚎啕大哭。
 sit there very still and white and thoughtful 脸色苍白若有所思,一动不动的坐在那  
造句:My mom sat there very still and white after hearing this. 妈妈听到之后脸色惨白,坐在那里一动不动。
go/turn white as a sheet 脸色惨白
造句:She went white as a sheet when she heard the news.  她听到这消息时脸色变得煞白。
neither XX  nor XX ever get anyone anywhere 无论XX和XX都无济于事 
造句:Regarding domestic violence,neither bearing nor sulking ever got anyone anywhere. 关于家暴,隐忍和生闷气解决不了任何问题。
The plan/idea begin to hatch in one's mind 有个想法/计划在脑子里盘旋  
造句 : The idea began to hatch in my mind after I met her. 自从遇见她,这个想法就一直在我脑子里盘旋。
 make out   吹嘘 
造句 : The situation was never as bad as the media made out. 情况并没有媒体说的那么糟糕。
 live just around the corner from XX   住的离XX不远
造句:My mom lived just around the corner from me. 妈妈住的离我不远。
led XX up to   把XX引到
造句 : I was led up to my teacher after I failed in the exam. 考砸了以后我被带到老师面前。
  XX'll do XX when XX feel like it   XX想XX时候会XX的
造句 :I'll lose wight when I feel like it. You don't need to push me. 我想减肥的时候会减的,你不用逼我。
give a wonderful imitation of XX 模仿XX模仿的惟妙惟肖 
造句:She gave a wonderful imitation of her mother. 她模仿她妈妈惟妙惟肖。
The brother seized a table-lamp, ripping the plug out of its socket.
 rip the plug out of its socket  把插头从插座拔下来。
造句 : Don't forget to rip the plug out of its socket after using the kettle. 用完水壶以后不要忘记把电源拔下来。
This room is haunted!  这屋里闹鬼
be haunted 闹鬼
造句:They say the building has been haunted for years. 他们说这幢楼闹鬼好多年了。
"Save us!" the mother screamed, almost throttling her husband.
throttle XX 掐死,使窒息。
造句 :I was almost throttled by her when we were on a roller coaster.  坐过山车时,她差点掐死我。
They all fled, slamming the door behind them.
词链 : 
slam the door 摔门;砰地关上门
造句 : He left slamming the door. 他摔门而出。
原句5 :
She carried it through the back-door and ran with it all the way to Fred's house.
词链 : run all the way to XX   一路跑到XX
造句:I ran all the way to the hospital. 我一路跑到医院。
原句6 :  
"Did it behave itself?" Fred asked her. 
词链:behave oneself  表现好;听话
造句:You should behave yourself in the classroom. 在教室里应该遵守纪律。
词链提示:give a wonderful imitation of XX  
词链提示:live just around the corner from XX
词链提示:burst into floods of tears






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