《玛蒂尔达》第4周 读书笔记

读 Matilda 第四周 , 爸爸和哥哥的一番谈话让 Matilda 怒火中烧,所以她决定一忍再忍无需再忍,想着过往的一幕幕,复仇的种子终于在这个五岁的小女孩心中扎根了。
part 1:经典段落精读
Matilda didn't trust herself to answer him, so she kept quiet. She could feel the anger boiling up inside her. She knew it was wrong to hate her parents like this, but she was finding it very hard not to do so. All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen. If only they would read a little Dickens or Kipling they would soon discover there was more to life than cheating people and watching television.
Another thing. She resented being told constantly that she was ignorant and stupid when she knew she wasn't. The anger inside her went on boiling and boiling, and as she lay in bed that night she made a decision. She decided that every time her father or her mother was beastly to her, she would get her own back in some way or another. A small victory or two would help her to tolerate their idiocies and would stop her from going crazy. You must remember that she was still hardly five years old and it is not easy for somebody as small as that to score points against an all-powerful grown-up. Even so, she was determined to have a go. Her father, after what had happened in front of the telly that evening, was first on her list.
 feel the anger boiling up inside  怒火中烧
造句 :I could feel the anger boiling up inside after seeing what happened. 看到一切之后我怒火中烧。
If only  XX would do XX   但凡XX,就XX
造句:If only you would try harder you would succeed. 但凡你努力一点你都可以成功的。
there is more to XX than XX  对于XX 来说,不止XX
造句:There is more to children than the money given by parents. 对于孩子来说,父母光花钱是不够的
resented doing XX 讨厌XX;憎恨XX
造句 : I resented being treated like a child. 我讨厌被别人当孩子对待。
 in some way or another  早晚;一定 ;想方设法
造句 :She would get what she wants in some way or another. 她早晚会得到想要的。
 hardly five years old  刚满五岁 
造句:How could you do this to a hardly 3 years old boy!你怎么能这么对待一个刚3岁的小男孩!
score points against  XX 反抗 XX
造句 : I've never thought about scoring points against my parents. 我从没想过要对抗我的父母。
 determined to have a go
造句 :However,I determined to have a go . 无论如何,我决定试一试。
part 2:其它段落精彩原句
Mr Wormwood was a small ratty-looking man whose front teeth stuck out underneath a thin ratty moustache.
ratty-looking 长得像老鼠;贼眉鼠眼
stick out  伸出;呲出来
造句 : Answer my question please!Don't just stick out your front teeth. 请好好回答我的问题,别只知道龇牙咧嘴。
 He liked to wear jackets with large brightly-coloured checks and he sported ties that were usually yellow or pale green.
sport XX 特意炫耀
pale green 浅绿;淡绿
造句:She was sporting the pale green T-shirt that her boyfriend bought for her. 她穿着她男朋友给她买的浅绿色T恤,很是炫耀。
They've fixed it so it's impossible to tamper with it unless you're a ruddy watchmaker or something. 
tamper with XX 调和XX;缓和XX
XX or something XX之类的
造句 : It's embarrasing here.You should tamper with the atmosphere with some sense of humor or something . 太尴尬了,你应该用幽默调节一下气氛什么的。 
ruddy XX 该死的XX,ruddy 在这里用于加强语气,多用于生气的时候。之前的内容中还出现过一个相似的词,可以用来与ruddy相互替换,那就是flaming.我们再看一下原句:
What d'you want a flaming book for? 非得要本破书干嘛呢?
I sit down and say to myself, how can I convert a mileage reading of one hundred and fifty thousand into only ten thousand without taking the speedometer to pieces? 
词链 : take XX to pieces 把XX拆开
造句 : I just left one second ago,the baby have taken the toy  to pieces. 我才离开一秒钟,这个小孩就把玩具给拆了。
原句5 :
And all of a sudden, the answer hits me. 
all of a sudden,XX hit XX 突然想到了XX
造句:All of a sudden,an idea hits me. 我突然想到了一个主意。
原句6 :  
I felt exactly like that other brilliant fellow must have felt when he discovered penicillin.
词链:feel exactly like that +句子 感觉就像XX
造句:I felt exactly like that I was standing over the rainbow.   我感觉就像站在彩云之上。
原句7 :
"The speedometer", Mr Wormwood said, "is run off a cable that is coupled up to one of the front wheels
词链1 : be run off XX 靠XX 运转 
造句:Your body is run off your brain. 你的身体靠你的大脑运转。
词链2:is coupled up to XX 连在XX
造句:Now, my life is coupled up to yours.  我们现在是一条绳上的蚂蚱。
原句8 :
I can knock fifty thousand miles off the clock in a few minutes with my high-speed electric drill.
词链:knock XX off 减少XX
造句 :  To have a baby would knock at least one year off the woman's working-age.  生孩子至少缩减女性一年的工龄
原句9 :
"Can you really turn the mileage back with an electric drill?" 
词链:Can you really XX 你真的能XX吗?
造句 :  Can you really sell your house?  你真的能卖掉你的房子吗?
原句10 : 
"I'm telling you trade secrets," the father said. "So don't you go talking about this to anyone else. You don't want me put in jug, do you?"
"I won't tell a soul," the boy said. "Do you do this to many cars, dad?"
put XX in jug 把XX送进监狱
I won't tell a soul 谁都不告诉 ; 守口如瓶
造句 :  I won't tell a soul that you were put in jug by me!  我不会告诉任何人是我把你送进监狱的。
原句11 :
Two red spots appears on the father's cheeks. "Who the heck do you think you are," he shouted, "The Archbishop of Canterbury or something, preaching to me about honesty? You're just an ignorant little squirt who hasn't the foggiest idea what you're talking about!"
词链1:Two red spots appears on one's cheeks.  XX脸红了
造句 : Two red spots appears on my cheeks after hearing that.  我听完了满脸通红。
词链2:preach to XX about XX  教育XX;跟XX说教
造句: It's not your turn to preach to me about that.  还轮不到你说教我。
原句12 :
 You've got a nerve talking to your father like that.
词链:You've got a nerve doing XX 你竟敢XX
造句 : You've got a nerve preaching to me?  你竟敢说教我?
原句13 : 
Mrs Wormwood sat munching her meal with her eyes glued to the American soap-opera on the screen. 
词链:glue to XX 黏在XX;盯着XX
造句 : I'll glue to you before you answer it.  你不答复我就一直跟着你。
原句14 : 
She was a large woman whose hair was dyed platinum blonde except where you could see the mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots. She wore heavy makeup and she had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out.
词链1: mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots 棕灰色的发根长出来 
造句 :Mom,you need to dye your hair.I could see grey bits growing out from the roots. 妈妈,你得染头发了,我能看见白头发根长出来了。
词链2:wear heavy make up 浓妆艳抹
造句:You don't need to wear heavy make up,you are beautiful as who you are.  你不需要浓妆艳抹,你本来就很美。
词链3:bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out.
part 3:内化输出
词链提示:glue to XX
词链提示:You've got a nerve doing XX
词链提示:Can you really XX


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