《玛蒂尔达》第2周 读书笔记

读 Matilda 第二周,作者笔下的这个小女孩身板小,能量大。普通的儿童读物根本hold不住她。下面我们就看看作者是怎么描绘这个tiny girl的huge power的吧。
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part 1:经典段落精读
Mrs Phelps was stunned. ''Exactly how old are you, Matilda?" she asked.
"Four years and three months," Matilda said.
Mrs Phelps was more stunned than ever, but she had the sense not to show it. "What sort of a book would you like to read next?" she asked.
Matilda said, "I would like a really good one that grown-ups read. A famous one. I don't know any names."
Mrs Phelps looked along the shelves, taking her time. She didn't quite know what to bring out. How, she asked herself, does one choose a famous grown-up book for a four-year-old girl? Her first thought was to pick a young teenager's romance of the kind that is written for fifteen-year-old schoolgirls, but for some reason she found herself instinctively walking past that particular shelf.
"Try this," she said at last. "It's very famous and very good. If it's too long for you, just let me know and I'll find something shorter and a bit easier."
"Great Expectations," Matilda read, "by Charles Dickens. I'd love to try it."
I must be mad, Mrs Phelps told herself, but to Matilda she said, "Of course you may try it."
Over the next few afternoons Mrs Phelps could hardly take her eyes from the small girl sitting for hour after hour in the big armchair at the far end of the room with the book on her lap. It was necessary to rest it on the lap because it was too heavy for her to hold up, which meant she had to sit leaning forward in order to read. And a strange sight it was, this tiny dark-haired person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor, totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story-teller had woven with his words. The only movement from the reader was the lifting of the hand every now and then to turn over a page, and Mrs Phelps always felt sad when the time came for her to cross the floor and say; "It's ten to five, Matilda."
find oneself instinctively doing XX 本能地;不由自主地 ;不知怎地;不知不觉地
造句 :I find myself instinctively grabbing my phone  everytime when I am going to the loo ,although I don't need it at all.  一要上厕所我就本能地拿起手机,虽然我上厕所根本不需要手机。
 could hardly take one's eyes from XX 总是看XX ; 一个劲儿地看XX
造句:Those doting parents could hardly take their eyes from their children. 那些宠孩子的家长一直盯着自己的孩子看。
 at the far end of the XX 在XX的远端;在XX的另一边
造句:I found my lost necklace at the far end of the room . 我在屋子另一端发现了我遗失的项链。
rest XX on the XX 把XX靠在XX ; 把XX放在XX
造句 :Don't rest your flaming hand on my shoulder !  把你的脏手拿开!
totally absorbed in/by XX 完全沉浸在XX / 被XX吸引 
造句 : I was totally absorbed in the movie.我完全沉浸在了电影里。
She was absorbed by the novel . 她迷上了那部小说。
同义词链:上周我们学习了 be wrapped up in XX 沉浸在XX中,这两个词链儿某些语境下可以互换。
weave XX with XX 用XX编制的XX
造句:I lived a happy childhood wove by my parents with their love. 我爸妈用爱为我编制了一个快乐童年。
 every now and then 时不时地
造句 : Come on,you don't need to cook up scorchers every now and then . 拜托啊,你用不着时不时地就传我的坏话吧。
 more stunned than ever 非常吃惊  
造句 :What you did made me more stunned than ever. 你干这事简直惊呆我了。
have the sense to XX 有意识地XX
造句:Children don't have the sense to keep secrets. 孩子们不会保守秘密。
part 2:其它段落精彩原句
Mrs Wormwood was hooked on bingo and played it five afternoons a week. 
1.be hooked on XX: 迷上了XX;爱上了XX;对XX上瘾(hook 本意是勾子的意思,被XX勾住了,那就是被XX迷住了,上瘾了)
边读边归类:上周我们学习了be wrapped up in XX 沉浸在XX中 (wrap本意是包裹的意思,被包在XX中, 那就是沉浸在XX中的意思啦) 在某些语境下可以互换。
造句 : I used to be hooked on Douyin . 我曾经一度对抖音上瘾。
I used to be so wrapped up in telephone that my neck hurt.有一段时间我一直放不下手机,脖子都疼了。
Mrs Phelps, slightly taken aback at the arrival of such a tiny girl unaccompanied by a parent, nevertheless told her she was very welcome.
1.be slightly taken aback at XX 对XX有点吃惊,有点吓到
I was slightly taken aback at the girl who took the opposite line. 我有点被那个不走寻常路的女孩吓到了。
From then on, every afternoon, as soon as her mother had left for bingo, Matilda would toddle down to the library. 
词链:toddle down to XX  吧嗒吧嗒走去XX (这里toddle指小孩子蹒跚学步的样子)
造句:My heart was melting down looking my five-year -old girl toddling straight to me.看着我五岁的女儿迈着幼嫩的步伐向我走来,我的心都化了。
During the first week of Matilda's visits Mrs Phelps had said to her, "Does your mother walk you down here every day and then take you home?"
walk xx somewhere 陪着XX一起走去XX;护送XX
造句:My mom drove me home instead of walking me home after we bought a car. 买车后妈妈就开车送我了,而不是我们一起走回家了。
词链扩展: walk dogs 遛狗
"But what do they expect you to do every afternoon in an empty house?"
"Just mooch around and watch the telly."
"I see."
"She doesn't really care what I do," Matilda said a little sadly.
词链1 : What do they expect you to do 他们希望你做什么?(我们经常会用到want 这个词来表示“想要”,现在我们换成‘’expect"试一下)
造句:What kind of boyfriend do you expect? 你想要什么样的男朋友?
词链2 : mooch around 闲逛/wander around
造句:How could you still mooch around with so many homework to do? 这么多作业要做还在这磨蹭,你是怎么做到的?
词链3:don't really care
造句: I actually don't really care what you expect.我其实不太在乎你想要啥。
part 3:内化输出
词链提示:rest XX on the XX;find oneself instinctively doing XX
词链提示:was hooked on XX
词链提示:could hardly take one's eyes from XX





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