
本书作者提到的两个爸爸一个是自己的亲生父亲穷爸爸,另一个是自己好朋友的父亲富爸爸,作者自己的父亲是一位受过高等教育的大学教授,富爸爸是一位高中没有毕业,但是善于投资理财的企业家。穷爸爸虽然接受过良好的教育,但是一生还是为钱所困,富爸爸受教育程度低但是思维开阔,勇于尝试,所以积累了丰厚的财富。作者认为自己的爸爸和朋友爸爸的差异是对待财富的态度所致,也就是书中提到的财商(financial intelligence)。这两个爸爸的观点无对错之分,只是追求不同而已,穷爸爸对资本既害怕又想要,相反的是富爸爸渴望财富并且大胆的去追求。一个是 work for money, 另一个是 money work for me.
One believed, “Our home is our largest investment and our greatest asset.” The other believed, “My house is a liability, and if your house is your largest investment, you’re in trouble.”
One dad believed in a company or the government taking care of you and your needs. He was always concerned about pay raises, retirement plans, medical benefits, sick leave, vacation days, and other perks. He was impressed with two of his uncles who joined the military and earned a retirement-and-entitlement package for life after twenty years of active service. He loved the idea of medical benefits and PX privileges the military provided its retirees. He also loved the tenure system available through the university. The idea of job protection for life and job benefits seemed more important, at times,than the job. He would often say, “I’ve worked hard for the government, and I’m entitled to these benefits.”
“If you learn life’s lessons, you will do well. If not, life will just continue to push you around. People do two things. Some just let life push them around. Others get angry and push back. But they push back against their boss, or their job, or their husband or wife. They do not know it’s life that’s pushing.”
“Life pushes all of us around. Some people give up and others fight. A few learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around. To these few people, it means they need and want to learn something. They learn and move on. Most quit, and a few like you fight.”
Stop blaming me and thinking I’m the problem. If you think I’m the problem, then you have to change me. Ifyou realize that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something, and grow wiser. Most people want everyone else in the world to change but themselves. Let me tell you, it’s easier to change yourself than everyone else.”
“I just wangt you boys to have a chance to avoid the trap caused by those two emotions, fear and desire.”
"If you don't first handle fear and desire, and you get rich, you'll only be a highly paid slave."
Most people use fear and greed against themselves. That’s the start of ignorance. Most people live their lives chasing paychecks, pay raises and job security because of the emotions of desire and fear, not really questioning where those emotion-driven thoughts are leading them. It’s just like the picture of a donkey dragging a cart with its owner dangling a carrot just in front of its nose. The donkey’s owner may be going where he wants to, but the donkey is chasing an illusion. Tomorrow there will only be another carrot for the donkey.”
谁能把万恶的资本主义怎么样。作者云:History proves that great cililizations collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots is too great. 但是不管什么年代来临,穷人往往是受伤最深的。
Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money youmake. It’s how much money you keep. We’ve all heard stories of lottery winners who are poor, then suddenly rich, and then poor again.
Today, people still challenge me on the idea of a house not being an asset. I know that for many people, it is their dream as well as their largest investment. And owning your own home is better than nothing. I simply offer an alternate way of looking at this popular dogma. If my wife and I were to buy a bigger, flashier house, we realize it wouldn’t be an asset. It would be a liability since it would take money out of our pocket.
So here is the argument I put forth. I really don’t expect most people to agree with it because your home is an emotional thing and when it comes to money, high emotions tend to lower financial intelligence. I know from personal experience that money has a way of making every decision emotional.
An important distinction is that rich people buy luxuries last, while the poor and middle class tend to buy luxuries first. The poor and the middle class often buy luxury items like big houses, diamonds, furs, jewelry, or boats because they want to look rich. They look rich, but in reality they just get deeper in debt on credit. The old-money people, the long-term rich, build their asset column first. Then the income generated from the asset column buys their luxuries. The poor and middle class buy luxuries with their own sweat, blood, and children’s inheritance.
My highly educated dad always encouraged me to land a good job with a strong corporation. He spoke of the virtues of “working your way up the corporate ladder.” He didn’t understand that, by relying solely on a paycheck from a corporate employer, I would be a docile cow ready for milking. (变成一只驯化后的奶牛等着被挤奶)
Once we leave school, most of us know that it is not so much a matter of college degrees or good grades that count. In the real world outside of academics, something more than just grades is required. I have heard it called many things; guts, chutzpah, balls, audacity, bravado, cunning, daring, tenacity, and brilliance. This factor, whatever it is labeled, ultimately decides one’s future much more than school grades do.
“If you want something, you first need to give,” he would always say. When he was short of money, he gave money to his church or to his favorite charity.
If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever you feel short or in need of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, or friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I trust that the principle of reciprocity is true, and I give what I want. I want money, so I give money, and it comes back in multiples. I want sales, so I help someoneelse sell something, and sales come to me. I want contacts, and I helpsomeone else get contacts. Like magic, contacts come to me. I heard a saying years ago that went: “God does not need to receive, but humansneed to give.”
My rich dad would often say, “Poor people are more greedy than rich people.” He would explain that if a person was rich, that person was providing something that other people wanted. In my life, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted, and decided to give it first. And when I gave, it always came back.










【京师▪动态】以文化人,传颂经典 :首届“书香校园”文化节之《骆驼祥子》读书心得