
Step 1
1) 看文章标题:文章主旨是关于农作物种植。
2) 看题型组合:句子填空和是非判断题。题型为顺序题型,因此这篇文章题型 比较简单(心中暗喜)。
3) 打包做题:先画出这两道大题的 keywords,记住第 1 题和第 8 题的 keywords, 以免这两种题型出现交叉出题。
注:本篇文章的判断题较为简单,主要考察逻辑关系,因此在定位时,要多注 意逻辑关系。
Step 2 开始做题 
 扫读第一段:
 发现第 9 题定位:
翻译:如今,全世界超过 80%适合种植作物的土地在使用中。从历史上看,其中 大约 15%因低效的使用行为而荒废。
分析:题目中 destruction of food-producing land 就是文章 has been laid waste 的同义理解,poor management practices 就是 human beings 所为。所以,第9题为T
根据判断题顺序原则,回头找第 8 题:
找到原文 : Applying the most conservative estimates to current demographic trends, the human population will increase by about three billion people by then. 对当前的人口发展趋势采用最保守的估算,那时人类将
增加约 30 亿人。所以,文章对应句中没有提到题目中预测地球人口量方法的信息词。所以,第8题为NG
 扫读第二段:
找到第 1 题定位,原文: The concept of indoor farming is not new, since
hothouse production of tomatoes and other produce has been in vogue for some time. 由于温室种植番茄和其他作物已经盛行一段时间,室内农业的感念 并不新奇。
同义替换:are already grown=is not new;
所以,第一题填 tomatoes
找到第 2 题定位,原文:Situated in the heart of urban centres, they would
drastically reduce the amount of transportation required to bring food to consumers. 它们位于城市中心,这将大幅减少将食物运往消费者所需的运输量。同义替换:located in=situated in; less=reduce; need = required; long distances = transportation; customers = consumers;
所以,第 2 题填 urban centres
发现第 10 题定位,原文: If successful implemented, proponents claim, vertical farms offer the promise of urban renewal, sustainable production of a safe and varied food supply (through year-round production of all crops), and the eventual repair of ecosystems that have been sacrificed for horizontal farming. 支持者称,如果成功实施,垂直农场会带来城市复苏
的希望,持续提供安全多样的食物供应(通过整年生产所有谷物),而且最终修复 由于水平农业而造成损害的生态系统。
分析:题目中的 depend on the seasons 和文章中的 food supply (through
year-round production of all crops) 相矛盾,全年食物供给意味着食物产量不 会依赖于季节性。
 扫读第三段:
 发现第 11 题定位,原文: However, more often than not now, due to a rapidly changing climate, that is not what happens. Massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops. 然而,通常由于快速变化的气候,情况并不 如人们所愿。每年会出现大洪水、持续干旱、飓风以及强烈的季风,数百万吨珍贵的作物被毁掉。
分析:题目中的 climate change 对应文章中的 massive flood, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons; damage 对应 destroying,是同义替换改写。所以,11 题为 T
 扫读第四段:
发现第 12 题定位,原文: All the food could be grown organically, eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers.
分析:题目中的 will be needed 和文章中的 eliminating the need 是反义词设置。
所以,第 12 题为 F。
发现第 13 题定位,原文: The system would greatly reduce the incidence of many infectious diseases that are acquired at the agricultural interface.
分析:题目中的 less likely to be affected 对应文章中 reduce the incidence, 是同义替换。
所以,第 13 题为 T。
发现第 3 题定位,原文: Although the system would consume energy, it would return energy to the grid via methane generation from composting non-edible parts of plants. 尽管这一系统会消耗能量,通过使用植物的不可食 用部分进行沼气发电,可以将能量返回给系统。
同义替换:produce = return
所以,第 3 题填 energy。
发现第 4 题定位,原文:It would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel use, by cutting out the need for tractors, ploughs and shipping.
通过减少对拖拉机、犁和船舶的需要,化石燃料的使用也将大幅减少。同义替换:agricultural vehicles= tractors; cut = reduce; consumption=use; unnecessary = cutting out the need; 所以,第 4 题填 fossil fuel。
 扫读第五段:
发现第 5 题定位, 原文: A major drawback of vertical farming, however, is that the plants would require artificial light. 然而,垂直农业的一个主要缺 点在于农作物需要人造光。
同义替换:disadvantage=drawback; need = require;
所以,第 5 题填 artificial。
 扫读第六段:
发现第 6 题定位,原文: One variation on vertical farming that has been developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move on rails.
人们开发出的一种垂直农业方式是在堆叠的托盘中种植作物,这些托盘可在轨道 上移动。
同义替换:not fixed = move on;
所以,第 6 题填 stacked trays。
 扫读第七段:
发现第 7 题定位,原文: While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.尽
管未来有可能我们的很多食物将在“摩天大楼”中生长,目前大部分专家相信更可 能发生的是我们将只需要城市屋顶上的可用空间。
同义替换:most probable=far more likely; towns and cities=urban
所以,第 7 题填(urban)rooftops。










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